Monday, March 14, 2016

Rising Water: part 2
2 week progress report
           Over these couple weeks I have been doing a lot of research, reading articles, looking at graphs, and watching videos made by Nasa. I've learn that our sea levels are eventually going to rise rapidly, faster than we think. Around 2030 San Francisco may be flooded. There is a couple ways to stop this from happening. This is for people to start using less things that create pollution and in affect make green house gases. The other way to prevent this from happening is to build a levy or a super dam in the bay to stop the water from flowing  in the city. We actually have plans for the levy and super dams but that is more of a last resort plan. My next steps is to see if I can find someone in this field or area to give me some more information and give me some advice on what I should do to help this cause. I'm also planning to go out and complete some community service in order to set an example to my peers and spread awareness. Hopefully I can also get some of my friends to join in on the community service.

A video on the Arctic melting:


  1. Great job with your researching already! I think that your idea to complete some community service to spread awareness is a great idea. What were you planning on doing for the community service?

  2. Wow! You researched a lot. I think that spreading awareness, especially near coastal cities, would be a good idea.
