Friday, March 4, 2016

Rising Water
20 Time is a project made for students to take 20% of their class time and to spend it learning about something that interests them. Students have a chance explore what they are passionate about and love what they are learning about. The essential question that I asked was what can I do to make people more aware of global sea level rises. I, a student in Mr. Orre's, till the end of the school year, will work on raising awareness and learning about about sea level rises and global warming. I chose this idea to be the topic of my project because I find that this problem is growing and not much by authorities is being done to try and solve it. I'm not sure that many people know how serious this problem is, so my job is to point out facts and things that will happen if sea levels do rise, educate them on this rising problem. My goals are still being set, but it will try to go out and educate people locally. How? I'm still not sure, this also means that i'm not quite sure how I will measure my success. I'm going to move forward by deciding if i'm going to run a test and record my data that way. I'm also working on spotting a mentor to help me brainstorm ideas and out them to use.


  1. Good idea! I like how you are doing something which greatly affects our environment. Good luck!

  2. Nice! I really love how you are raising awareness and helping people understand the severity of this global issue.
