Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Geologic Timeline

There are lots of significant events in history but I find that there are three major one that I'm going to point out to you. First off I'd like to talk about the Periman era this was when the large extinction happened. This time was when most off the work was covered in many different marine communities. However the mass extinction at the end of this era was the largest ever recorded, which was extremely important because it created many niches is which the could dinosaurs could take over. If that extinction had never occurred we not be here as the world could still be ruled by many marine communities and good animals. Secondly, the Cambrian era which was a series of important sub events rather than one big one. Over the years of this era helped to give birth to many different species which led to the ones we have today. During this era there was a big explosion called the "Cambrian Explosion" where a huge amount of life changed over a short period of time. Finally, the huge and famous mass extinction happened at the end of the Cretaceous which wiped out most of the dinosaurs and led to us humans. This event was definitely the most important because this explosion and era led to us humans. It's also important because if this didn't happened then the world right now would be ruled by dinosaurs and we wouldn't have dominated the food chain - then once wagon would not existed.

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