Sunday, January 24, 2016

Unit 6 Reflection
This unit was based of biotechnology. Biotech can be a big subject as it is two subjects combined. As a class we delve deep into the different categories of biotech and what they are used for. Biotech really makes a big foundation for life. For example, the industrial and environmental category of biotech focus on manmade foods. We also looked at biotech on a more molecular level. Looking at things like recombinant DNA and how we can grow bacteria that uses a protein called GFP to glow. In this unit we conducted 2 different labs. The first lab that we completed was called the electrophoresis lab this was when we extracted dyes from different types of candy and compared them to reference dyes. We put the dyes in to wells of some gel and sent an electromagnetic current through the gel. We did this to see which candies would match up to the reference dyes. The second ab that was conducted was called the pGLO lab. In this lab our objective was to grow bacteria so that it would glow just like jellyfish glow. My strengths in this unit were when we were talking about biotech as a whole and how it effects things. I also feel like I was good at understanding what the technologies and ethics of bio was. I found that when we talked about recombinant DNA, it was a big weakness for me and I fell out of the subject a little more. I want to learn more about bioethics and bio technologies. I took great interest in that and that is partly why I excelled in that area. Taking a look back at my SMART goals, I feel like I have improved on making a good habit for a study routine, but i'm not sure if this will benefit me. My problem is that I know what has been taught and I have practiced teaching it to others, but when applying my knowledge to tests I find it hard.

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