Monday, September 21, 2015

Unit 2 Reflection

Unit 2 was about topics like enzymes, element, molecules, the big 4 Macro Molecules, amino acids etc.
Molecules are made up of protons which have a positive charge, electrons which have a negative charge. We also learned how milk curdles. This happens by taking a substrate (casein) and an enzyme to speed up that process (rennin) and then you create a hot condition and the milk curdles, then you stick the curdles together to make cheese. There are 3 types of carbohydrates monosacchides (which means 1), disacchrides (which means 2), and polysacchrides (which means 3 or more). There function is to store energy. The second macro molecule is lipids and they are essentially long chains that contain carbon and hydrogen called fatty acids. There function is to store energy. The third one is protein. Proteins are build with amino acids and look a little like chains. There are 20 different kinds of amino acids, each with different purpose. Changing one amino acid actual changes the type of protein the object become. The last one is nucleic acids they are large molecules composed of up to thousands of repeating nucleatides.  

My strengths were learning about the proteins and molecules and the process of making cheese. I fully understood this mostly because we touched base on it during class through labs and discussions. I think that one of my weaknesses would be       

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