Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The 20 Big Questions in Science

Are we alone in the universe?

The question that I am most interested is: Are we alone in the universe?
I'm most interested in this question because I often ponder upon this question on my own time. Sometimes daydreaming and coming out with some solution and sometimes ending with more questions.
My hypothesis is: If we are not alone on this universe, then one day humans will either find us or life will find us.

My 20 Big Questions:
1) Is there another word for synonym?
2)If a turtle is doesn't have a shell then is it considered homeless?
3)What color would a chameleon was put in a room full of mirrors and the room magically contained light?
4)Why is a building called a building if it is already build?
5) What do dinosaurs really sound like? 
6) Why don't most fish blink?
7) Why can't you breathe out of your mouth and nose at the same time?
8) What does water taste like?
9)Who invented school?
10) When did dogs become a social norm to have as a pet?
11)Why do so many people like pizza?
12)Who was the first person to classify something as funny?
13)Who created the concept of money?
14) What would the world look like if no laws were in place?
16)Who is the smartest person in the world? 
17)Why do people have to eat, sleep, and drink?
18)I wonder what life would be like if we did not have school?
19) I wonder what life would be like if we did not invent computer?
20) What does "slow down" and "slow up" mean the same thing?

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