Thursday, March 24, 2016

Unit 8 Reflection

In this unit we learned about evolution and how it is affected and affects life. I think one really key understanding in this unit is natural selection. In natural selection, an environment that has genetic diversity changes over time to shift the population towards the organisms with the best traits that help them to survive and reproduce. The way this happens is that the organisms that are able to survive can reproduce. Which means that organism had good traits because they were able to survive, so then they give their offspring the best traits to help them survive. At the same time natural selection punishes those who have the bad traits by killing them off. Natural selection is natures way of saying survival of the fittest. Another key to this unit was how long and eventful earth's history. Us humans have only been through a micro fragment of earth's history. What put us on this earth was a mass extinction called the 'Cretaceous explosion'. If there was no mass extinction then us humans wouldn't be here today.

In my last reflection, unit 7, I discussed the process of being more assertive in my group work. Although I may have not been able to implement this in biology because no projects had arisen, I was able to but this quality into use for my English MAP class. In this class there is always some project that is in the working, so this time I got thrown the hurdle of working with a group on a group essay. My group couldn't find a lot of time to do their part of the essay. So I stepped up and took the opportunity to help better manage our time in class, and finish our essay knowing we did our best.

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